Global equities rose 19.81% in sterling over the second quarter of 2020, more than regaining the previous quarter’s loss to stand 0.80% higher than at the start of the year.
Download this articleThe world moved into lock-down to combat Covid-19. Hopes that the virus would be contained on the lines of Sars in 2003 gave way to panic. Equities ended the quarter down 15.87% in sterling. The economic impact will be large but should prove temporary.
Download this articleGlobal equities rose 1.46% in sterling over the final quarter of 2019, closing the year up 22.38%. Risky assets recovered from their late-2018 sell-off as the Federal Reserve changed tack, easing monetary policy through three interest rate cuts.
Download this articleGlobal bonds and equities rose over the third quarter of 2019, returning 4.02% and 3.38% respectively in sterling as the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB) eased monetary policy.
Download this articleThe second quarter of 2019 was a strong period for markets as global equities and bonds returned 6.28% and 5.76% respectively in sterling in response to increasing prospects of US monetary easing.
Download this articleGlobal equities rallied after the sell-off in late 2018, rising 9.79% in sterling over the quarter. A shift in US monetary policy and dovish rhetoric from the Federal Reserve chairman, Jerome Powell, stemmed the ebbing tide of investor confidence.
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